I write exclusively for product managers because it is what I love most. As a product manager, I keep my books short enough to be read on a cross-country flight to visit a client. I can’t think of too many other times when a product manager has 3 – 4 hours to quietly read (and curse inflight Wi-Fi. Embrace “unplugging”.)
The Product Management Excellence Series books are filled with illustrations and graphics to make it easier to visualize the concepts or skim if you’re in a rush.
Lastly, I love to hear from my readers. More than anything, I want you to succeed! Use the contact form to ask me questions anytime.
Strategy Excellence for Product Managers
A Guide to Achieving Sustainable Competitive Advantage
As a 15-year champion for Agile methods, I am now observing that Agile is starting to substitute for strategy with an emphasis on responding to short-term challenges over setting the stage for long-term success. Strategy Excellence for Product Managers takes fresh look at the role of product strategy in navigating competitive and dynamic markets. It is targeted for those looking to move beyond managing their product to leading their product. The book explores three main areas: i) The five elements of a product strategy, ii) driving product growth, and iii) analyzing markets to identify areas you can win. While an Agile roadmap typically looks out about nine months, this book focuses the reader on how to position their product for where the market will be in three to five years.
Lean Product Management
Achieving Optimal Product-Market Fit in Record Time with Fewer Resources

As I progressed through my Agile journey, I realized Lean had more to offer as a mindset for product management. I wrote my thoughts down in this short eBook that looks at product management through the lens of Lean, Agile, and the Theory of Constraints. The book details an alternative product management framework that focuses on one simple idea: optimizing product-market fit in less time with fewer resources.

I have evolved and codified the methodology since this guide was released in 2011. The best way to learn the latest is through the Lean Product Management Workshop.
Agile Excellence for Product Managers
A guide to Creating Winning Products with Agile Development Teams
Agile development was a total game changer for me. When I was first introduced to it in 2001, few teams were even practicing it. As adoption accelerated, product managers needed to understand what Agile was, how to work with an Agile team, and why this development process would allow them to achieve a competitive advantage.

42 Rules of Product Management
A Collection of Product Management Wisdom from Forty Experts from Around the World

42 Rules of Product Management is a collection of product management wisdom that gave me the amazing opportunity to collaborate with forty product management and marketing experts from around the world. Each author shares one rule that they think is critical to know to succeed in product management. Whether you are a seasoned and experienced product manager or are just starting out, “42 Rules of Product Management” will help you lead with greater effectiveness.
Reader Resources

In my book Agile Excellence for Product Managers, I had a place on the website for additional resources for readers only. As I have expanded my titles, I want readers of all types (my books, newsletters, and blogs) to be able to access all the resources. I have consolidated these resources here. To access them, just sign-up for a FREE membership to this site.